Melanie Brown, a member of the iconic Spice Girls, has revealed the group’s unwavering support for Geri Horner amid challenging times due to allegations against her husband, Christian Horner, the principal of the Formula One Red Bull team.
Christian has been under the spotlight after accusations surfaced about inappropriate conduct towards a female colleague, spotlighted through the leak of numerous WhatsApp messages purportedly sent by him, which he has consistently refuted.
Despite the controversy, Red Bull Racing’s overseeing company, GmbH, decided not to dismiss Horner, allowing him to continue in his role, whereas the employee involved was put on suspension with full pay following the company’s investigation.
The Spice Girls, who rose to fame in the mid-90s with chart-topping hits like “Wannabe” and “Viva Forever,” have rallied around Geri, showcasing their deep bond and collective strength during this tumultuous period.
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“Oh God, we are all so supportive of each other, we would literally take a bullet for each other,” Brown expressed to the Mirror, highlighting the unity and compassion among her, Melanie Chisholm, Emma Bunton, Victoria Beckham, and Horner.
Brown’s outreach to Geri underscores the group’s commitment to each other, especially in times of need.
“Between the four of us, we’ve all been messaging her; I sent a message to her earlier. I just feel for her, and… oh my God. I just feel sad.
“But she knows she has us four that are with her,” Brown shared, emphasizing the emotional support provided to Geri.
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Despite not being fully aware of the details surrounding the allegations, Brown’s primary concern is the well-being of her friend.
“All you can do is be there, just like the girls have been there for me; all I can do is be there for Geri,” she stated, reflecting on the importance of friendship and loyalty within their group.
The ordeal has brought the Spice Girls closer, reaffirming a “solid bond” that has been nurtured over three decades of friendship and shared experiences.